Considering that Google alters the factors it uses to assign local seo rankings no less than 400 times annually, it can be hard to know where to focus your efforts. The world of local SEO is constantly shifting, something which begs the question of whether there are any consistent ways to make certain that a particular website will always achieve top Google rankings. The truth of the matter is that SEO is in a perpetual state of flux, and therefore adaptations will always be critical. Times when this came into stark relief include the releases of Panda, Penguin and Mobilegeddon by google. Despite the ever-changing nature of SEO, some bright spots are there to be found. The world of White Hat SEO concentrates on developing methods designed to provide solid results over the long haul, regardless of search engines algorithm tweaks. If you are among those who have grown weary of listening to the same advice about improving rankings, this blog post is definitely up your alley. The following list includes the ten vital elements of a truly effective local SEO initiative.
1. Sound Research for Local SEO Keywords

The success of every SEO campaign turns largely on quality keyword research, no matter the situation. Many would say this is the most crucial factor of all. Aim toward targeting between 10 and 25 keywords likely to be powerful in your specific area. Google Suggest is a particularly handy tool for isolating the best keywords for any local enterprise. This tool lets you type your chosen keyword into the standard search bar on Google, which will produce a list of related keywords. As an example, someone doing SEO for a dentist would want to type something like “dentists near my home.” Once you have this list, it is easy to assess the keywords you ought to try ranking for. Google’s list will include terms that are regularly typed into its search function by actual users.
2. Make Sure You Have a Mobile-Friendly Website

If you are creating a new website or simply enhancing an older one, it is important to be certain that the finished product is mobile-friendly. Google’s Mobilegeddon algorithm all but guarantees that sites that do not work well for mobile users will rank poorly. With this new reality, more and more internet marketers are moving ahead with efforts to revamp their sites. It is recommended that you prioritize making your site mobile-friendly, easy to use and quick to load. These qualities can be tested easily by using this handy link: It may be useful also to learn your site’s page speed, because Google rewards pages that load swiftly. Page speed measurement tools can be found at When it comes to conducting a website redesign, the best first step is to make contact with us for a complete discussion of your needs. Alternatively, you may use Google searching to find a designer local to your area. Should creating a website on your own suit your style, consider opting for the WordPress managed system. That way, you can take full advantage of SEO tools including Yoast SEO for monitoring your level of SEO success. This is a great tool for rapidly determining the way Google is perceiving your website. Be certain that each of the Yoast symbols are green. If any are showing red, take the necessary steps to get them green.
3. Make Use of Customized Images on your website
Prior to adding a truly customized image on our own homepage, we received very little contact from visitors. However, after adding such an image, we have seen a noticeable increase in conversion rates. The reason is that adding an image like this brings your website far beyond simply serving as a brochure. Stock images give a generic feel, so make every effort to customize where possible. Too many SEO campaigns have tunnel vision in that they focus mainly on traffic generation when they also need to pay attention to conversions. For great photography and skillful design, get in touch with a photographer in your area. Experienced graphic design professionals understand how best to size the resulting images for use on a website.
4. Get Your Business Listed On Niche Directories

For localized SEO purposes, it is critical that your business is listed where there will actually be an impact. While seemingly countless amount of business directories exist these days, the key is to only get yourself listed on the ones that are relevant to your niche or industry. As an example, if your business is dentistry, try to get placed in a directory that is centered on oral care. The question remains, however, about how best to identify the right directories and get listed on them without spending too much time to do so. A great answer to this question is to use Brightlocal. This tool lets you simply type in the business sector in which you operate and immediately view each results containing relevant directories in which you should be listed. After you choose the appropriate directories, get your business added and include detailed descriptions, strong images and do anything else you can think of to secure the local rankings you seek.
5. Boost The Mobile Speed Of Your Page

Over two-thirds of traffic on the Internet these days comes from mobile devices. Therefore, it is indisputable that you must ensure that your site is optimized for mobile users. This is especially true since Google updated its algorithm to be far more mobile-centric than before. Fortunately, just about all of the most recent WordPress themes come pre-optimized in terms of mobile users. However, websites built prior to these updates do not enjoy the same status. An easy method of verifying whether or not your site looks good and works well for mobile users is to utilize the mobile page speed tool offered by Google.
6. Take Advantage Of Social Media Marketing Strategies

While social media integration is not considered to be a critical factor when it comes to a local SEO campaign, it does play a role that should not be ignored. Google does take note of activity through social media sites as a way to boost rankings. Though it used to be thought that manipulating key social media signals was necessary to achieve better rankings, Google prefers sites that evidence true presence on social media sites. Therefore, in terms of local SEO, it is smart to make sure your enterprise can be found on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google+. It is certainly true that Google watches these social sites due to their immense popularity. Develop your accounts on these sites, post regularly and your brand will receive a much-needed injection of relevance and ranking success.
7. Create Blog Postings That Are Locally Relevant To Your Area

For instance, say you are situated in New Rochelle, New York and you are interested in ranking well for that geographic locale. Rather than developing relatively broad content about the industry niche you serve, think about producing posts that are specifically tailored for that city. This helps Google see that you are focused on the locality and will prompt Google to put you in the local search results in an advantageous spot. If you are able to link to your targeted ranking page by using targeted anchor text, all the better.
8. Backlinking Your Way To Success

Nobody can deny the power of word-of-mouth referrals for boosting any business. Backlinks are essentially the same thing, though using them effectively can pose a challenge to those starting a local SEO campaign. The reason for this is that external contacts are needed to publish information about your enterprise. The most straightforward method of getting these coveted backlinks is to develop and publish quality content and place timely news items often. This will prompt other parties to discuss your business by name. It is also useful to get in touch with bloggers within the niche or area you are targeting and create beneficial relationships that yield highly relevant information.
9. Meta Descriptions and Titles
A meta title is simply the title that is seen on a search engine results page (SERP). This should be no longer than 55 characters so that the entire text actualy appears on the page. The best meta titles always include three main keywords and a concise definition of the business so that visitors want to go to the website. Meta descriptions are the blocks of texts shown on SERPs just beneath the meta title. This text ought to be no longer than 150 characters. The three important keywords should be contained within it, as should a clear description of what your business has to offer customers who take the next step and click on the site.
10. Adding Local Mapping Of your Business to your website
Embedding a map of the local address of your enterprise to your website is a great way to show search engines exactly where you operate and what you do. When a prospective local client searches for your product or service your business will appear in the search results, which is precisely what you want.
The Bottom Line
The SEO world never remains the same for very long, and that is why adaptability is paramount. By staying flexible and exhibiting a willingness to adopt new strategies, you can protect your business from the scary winds of change. You will have no problem giving website visitors the type of helpful, timely content they need. Applying the SEO tips listed above will assist your business is achieving the online success necessary to survive in today’s competitive landscape. When you endeavor to optimize your site for SEO, the guidance of seasoned, skilled professionals really can make all the difference.