Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising Services

Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click Advertising, most often referred to by the abbreviation PPC is the process of driving traffic to a website or a business physical location by paying platforms such as ( Google, Yahoo, Bing and Amazon) every time a user clicks on your ad that is being displayed on their platform.

Essentially, it’s a way of purchasing visits to a website, rather than gaining those visits organically through the search engines queries. This is one of the most potentially powerful forms of online advertising, businesses who don’t know the power of PPC are losing out to the competition.

Different Types of PPC

While all under the same umbrella of being PPC, there are actually several different forms of this online advertising and the differences can be huge depending on what industry you’re in. In some cases a provider may offer multiple styles of PPC ads so it’s important to know the pros and cons of each one.

1: Paid Search Marketing

Paid Search Marketing

The most cost-efficient form of PPC advertising is paid search marketing or SEM (search engine marketing). In essence, the idea is to set up ads for specific products through a platform with loads of targeted traffic. These platforms may include major search engines such as Google and Bing.

You get to pick out what words you want to trigger the ads, and the cost of each one is going to vary greatly depending on the industry. Low competition areas might only cost $1-2 a click while a keyword such as “DUI Attorney” can easily cost $50 per ad click.

This is a great way to get people looking specifically for your service or product to come directly to your website and become a paying client.

2: Display Advertisement

Display Advertisement

Display ads can vary depending on the platform with some being regular banner ads while others working as text-based ads. These display ads are “displayed” on different web pages where targeted users frequent.

Display is all about the branding. Get the name out, get it everywhere. These are sold both by search engines and also by most major social media platforms. The cost on these tends to be lower but it also gets a different type of attention. A company might pay $5 for 1,000 views which gets the name out there, but many display ads have an extremely low click-thru rate. They’re not generally used to directly get business, but to get a business or brand name out, to get attention, and to get that name into people’s minds which can also build trust over time.

3: Re-targeting Ads

Re-targeting Ads

Imagine a targeted lead visits the website, goes through the sales funnel, and turns into a sale.

This is what retargeting ads lean on when it comes to generating consistent sales. The idea is to “retarget” the same group of visitors that clicked on your website and didn’t convert into a paying customer right a way, in the hopes of gaining additional sales over the long-term.

To do so, the campaign targets those users on various platforms including FaceBook. With a social media platform such as FaceBook, retargeting can be done through the ads manager. It simplifies the conversion process and increases the chances of long-term success.

4: Social Media Advertisement

Social Media Advertisement

Social media advertising is a contemporary addition to the world of PPC marketing. It revolves around major social networking sites such as FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, and more. These platforms have millions of users in each demographic ensure businesses can tap in to make the most of their PPC campaigns.

Facebook not only has an incredible level of reach, but their tools offer the ability to really target your ads to the demographics that are most likely to respond to what you offer. Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and other social media all offer advertising that reaches a huge group of people and for the right companies that means opportunity.

5: Shopping Ads

Shopping Ads

This is designed for e-commerce stores or traditional store front retailers that are looking to sell their products online. It typically contains an image of the product, price, and specifications such as size, color, weight etc

Types Of Pay Per Click Platforms

Google Ads:

Google Adwords is one of the most popular PPC platforms on the planet.

The platform enables users to go through the system, pick out targeted keywords, and set bids based on what’s competitive. If the bid is approved, the company’s PPC ad shows up on the main search engine whenever someone types in that keyword. It’s a simple process and is built around an auction-based setup.

If the business wins the auction, they get the opportunity to display their ads for that keyword.

It’s important to note each ad is displayed based on its overall quality. There are several positions on the search page where an ad can be displayed. To get to the 1st ad position, it’s important to be the highest bidder while maintaining a high “Quality Score.” If Google AdWords believes the quality isn’t up to par with its standards, the campaign is dinged several points while matching up against other advertisers. This also has an impact on how much is paid per click.

Google Ads

Bing Ads:

Just like Google, Bing is one of the largest search engines in the world. It’s a powerful platform for generating targeted leads and building viable PPC campaigns. The built-in ads manager enables users to target keywords, make bids, and set up ads all in one place. Users can go through different bidding processes to find the right deal for their marketing requirements.

Each search page on Bing has an Ads Section that’s responsible for hosting PPC ads. By winning a bid, the advertiser can find prime real estate on one of these pages to get out in front of potential leads.

Bing Ads


Yelp is well-regarded as a company and offers tremendous insight into local businesses. For PPC ads, users can work through different advertising settings to target based on service area and category. Companies can go through this platform to determine where to advertise. In general, the ad will show up alongside the regular listing.

Yelp allows companies to set a daily budget for their PPC campaigns. This dictates how much is paid for the ad placement.

It’s an intriguing platform with considerable potential depending on the niche being targeted. A specialist with years of PPC advertising expertise can determine the benefits of using Yelp while building a well-rounded PPC campaign.



This is the biggest e-commerce store in the world that allows retailers to list their products on their platform.


Our Complete & Effective PPC Process

One thing that sets us apart from the competition is the fact that we have a proven process from start to finish that takes the guesswork out of it. That’s what years of experience from the top pay per click account managers in the field brings to the table. We know how to give you the absolute best chance of online success so your money is actually giving you results.

Keywords Research: The process begins by analyzing the client’s niche, understanding its target market, and moving forward with well-researched keywords. The premise is to look for keywords potential customers are going to be typing into Google, Bing, and other platforms. By having a good amount of keywords in hand, it becomes easier to bring in targeted leads.

Add Negative Keywords: During the research process, the team analyzes all potential “negative” keywords. In general, these keywords don’t add value to the business and aren’t required while marketing to the target audience. As a result, it’s important to point out these negative keywords and put them in a separate list to avoid wasting money.

Ad Groups: Once the research is done, it’s time to look at setting up legitimate ad groups based around the researched keywords. The ad groups will be used to target each keyword while trying to appeal to the target market.

Landing Page: With any ad, it’s important to think about what the user will see as soon as they click through. If they don’t see a relatable, well-designed landing page, the conversion will be lost. This happens with inexperienced setups and is something businesses don’t want to deal with. As a result, the team makes sure a well-rounded landing page is set up right away. This landing page will be a key part of the sales funnel.

Optimize Ads: Optimization is essential and doesn’t happen overnight. Split tests have to be run to see what the target market responds to. This includes redesigning ads, trying different landing page elements, and focusing on targeted keywords. Without optimization, it becomes difficult to yield the necessary results to bring in sales.


Why Your Business Needs PPC Advertisment

No entrepreneur needs to be told that running a business is competitive and time consuming. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, there’s going to be competition. Every new job, every new client, and every sale can make a huge difference,  with so many choices for consumers to pick from it can be hard to break through the noise.

One of the few places successful business owners of today go to for new customers is the Internet, having a strong online advertising presence is crucial if you want to break above the noise and stick out in a good way.

A Well-directed and expertly handled PPC campaigns can help fill the gap and bring in high-quality sales or leads around the clock.

Why Choose Grow Your Revenue As Your PPC Agency

Grow Your Revenue is a full service SEO and Digital marketing agency that offers a suite of digital marketing solutions such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Pay Per Click (PPC), Website Design, Email Marketing and Content Marketing solutions to help local businesses in Atlanta manage their brand & image online, improve their reputation, drive more traffic to their website & business location, generate quality leads and make more sales. Founded in 2013 we have helped over 300 businesses with their online marketing initiatives, we can help your business as well.

Please contact us at (800) 814-3860 or to schedule a FREE consultation today!


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